Info for Nannies
As an employee you have a legal right to a contract setting out the terms and conditions of your employment and a legal right to a regular wage slip displaying gross pay , deductions and net pay figure.
Nannies do not meet HMRC criteria for self employment so on agreeing with your employer your wages and condition of employment, within 13 weeks of starting your employment, be sure you receive a contract or at least a letter of appointment, which should set out your salary, either net or gross, and your employers acceptance of their responsibility to withhold and pay National Insurance contributions to HMRC on your behalf. A contract or letter of appointment will be your greatest protection if an employer fails to meet their responsibilities. It is useful to remember that for your new employer, employing you as a nanny may be a new experience for them so point out to them their legal responsibilities which are outlined in our information pack and following pages. Also a standard contract for nanny employment used by most nanny agencies will give you and your employer a good idea of the details and conditions, which should be included in the contract.
When being employed you must insist that it is your employers responsibility to provide you with wage slips and deduct your tax, as you are not by law self-employed. Once this has been established and you are in their employment, check to make sure that they are paying your tax and National Insurance Contributions, by asking them for details of their tax office and PAYE scheme number, but please remember that if they are new employers themselves they maybe in the process of setting up the scheme.

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Nannywage Ltd
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HMRC Statutory Funding
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